Thursday, February 21, 2008

Seven Weeks Old!

The Hubbard Training Systems Blog is now seven weeks old! Still just a baby, but growing. So far I have had 136 visits. My goal from the beginning was to educate, motivate, and help people improve their physical health, performance, and fitness; establishing a virtual training center, grounded in the latest exercise science research. I appreciate all of you who have allowed me to use your picture, videos, and questions on the blog. I encourage you to continue asking questions. You can put your questions in the comments or email them to me ( Also, tell friends and family, who are interested in fitness, to check out the blog regularly.

My goals for the future are:
1. Expand on the 'Run of the Week' and have exercise for people of all levels of fitness (even those who can't run); beginner, intermediate, and experienced, to better match exercise intensities and volumes to clients.
2. Review the latest research articles- putting it in a nutshell so you can easily get the main idea.
3. Expose more exercise myths and fads (there will always be plenty of these around).
4. Keep showing 'real people' training (not Shape or Muscle and Fitness magazine models).
...and what ever else you can think of to add.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I enjoy reading the information each week. Plus the challenge runs. Keeps me focused on improving times and getting ready for the race in April. Thank you for doing a great job. plus really fun to read other peoples comments:)