I have been meaning to do this for a while. I finally got a video editing app this weekend to jazz up my videos. After playing with this for several hours this weekend, I put together this video on the kettlebell snatch. I teach many clients this technique. I try to keep the cuing simple, so not to overload clients. I have narrowed it down to four steps and slowed down the video to demonstrate each one. Each step should be mastered before you go onto the next. After much practice, it will all come together and you can go by feel. Then you can try my 3:00 kettlebell snatch challenge!
Great demo, Dan! Question: Which step do you generally find people have the most difficulty getting correct?
Or, another way of looking at it, where is it most likely a person's form will falter as they perform reps?
I've never worked with kettlebells before, but this has got me interested in adding a new "tool" to my workouts!
v e r y n i c e
Jeffrey: there is lots of opportunity for error in a full-body movement like the kettlebell snatch. But, if I had to narrow it down, it is the hip hinge/snap. Most people want to squat the weight and not hinge. This unloads the hips, increases the arc, and decreases the power of the hips. That results in back strain and wrist banging.
Thanks, Steven.
Dan, I appreciate the guidance! One last question: At the completion of each rep, I see that you release your grip and extend your fingers. Does that help with alignment, max stretch or...?
The extension of the fingers does a couple things. First, it allows me to relax my the flexor muscles of my forearm (grip strength). Second, it contacts the extensor muscles of my forearm, which the kettlebell rests against. The opposite pattern of contraction happens when performing the hip snap/vertical pull.
Excellent, thanks!
chack this out to buy kettlebells
Very nicely done. Great video for learning.
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